Why Should You Know About Mental Health Awareness Color?
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Why Should You Know About Mental Health Awareness Color?

There are different mental health awareness colors that relate to different types of mental health issues. While the green flag relates to mental health, there are other colors (that usually come in the shape of a ribbon) in existence that specifically relate to each of the prevalent mental conditions that strike people and we are going to talk about these colors in much more detail in the words below:

The Different Uses of Mental Health Color Schemes.

The use of ribbons in mental health advocacy and awareness campaigns helps to visually represent the importance of individuals facing mental health struggles and the unique challenges they have to go through every day. It allows people to empathize with them and understand them. Each color represents a different type of mental health issue. Understanding the symbolism behind the differences in a mental health awareness color allows individuals to actively participate in mental health awareness initiatives and contribute to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health conditions. By wearing these different ribbons on different occasions you have the power to spark conversations, raise awareness, and demonstrate support for mental health advocacy and recovery. While we will not be able to cover all the mental health colors’ meanings, we are going to discuss the most important ones in the follow-up sections.

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What Is The Color for Mental Health Awareness?

The Green Ribbon

You probably know the pink ribbon (which relates to breast cancer) and the red ribbon (HIV) as these are the most popular colors that relate to health awareness but most of these are related to physical ailments. The green ribbon is specifically known as the mental health awareness color.

The green ribbon comes into usage on occasions such as its own observance in the month of May, Mental Health Month as well as in October for Mental Illness Awareness Week and World Mental Health Day.

The main purpose of the green ribbon is to raise awareness about different types of mental health conditions and eliminate the stigma that is frequently tied to mental health issues such as schizophrenia and PTSD. The color here represents how there is a need for awareness to spread out and break down the stereotypes that are predominantly associated with the affliction of mental health issues and the color green specifically symbolizes new life, renewal, and growth. This is because these terms are synonymous with nature and the lush life that surrounds us when we overcome certain chains that bind us mentally. It also speaks about experiencing recovery, healing, and personal growth against all odds. It speaks volumes of how we can uplift ourselves (along with the help of our support systems) from the dark realms of mental illness.

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The Solidarity

The green color also represents the solidarity the sufferers and the allies (usually members of the support system) can provide to other sufferers of mental illnesses. This is because wearing the green ribbon demonstrates solidarity and helps foster open conversations about mental health that aim to reduce stigma and advocate for mental health support. Be it insomnia or an anxiety disorder, everything can come under the umbrella of the green ribbon and awareness can be raised about them but predominantly it relates to depression. Let’s talk about the other colors of mental health awareness.

The Other Important Mental Illness & Mental Health Awareness Ribbon Colors

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The Light Green Ribbon

While the green ribbon covers mental health issues broadly, the light green colored ribbons cover specific conditions like bipolar disorder or childhood depression. Similar to the green ribbon wearing a light green ribbon, people can raise awareness and show support for those affected by the aforementioned mental health challenges.

Orange Ribbon

The orange ribbon and something as a mental health awareness color is associated with ADHD, also known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which it shares with leukemia and world hunger. When it comes to just a mental health color, then it strictly relates to ADHD awareness and initiatives. ADHD awareness is important because it is one of the most prevalent mental illnesses in children.

Teal Ribbon

Another important ribbon as it relates to addiction recovery in the context of a mental health awareness color. While there is a ribbon that represents addictions, which is red, it is shared with the color of AIDs/HIV. More focus should be put on addiction recovery rather than addiction, which is why the teal ribbon is one of the most important mental health colors in existence.

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Treatment Via Colors: Chromotherapy

An often related term to the idea of mental health awareness color is a type of therapy (we mean in the sense that it is unique from something, for example, marriage therapy or psychotherapy) called chromotherapy. Chromotherapy means color therapy and it can help in terms of a coping mechanism. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some color, for example, when found in nature can be therapeutic to individuals who are affected with mental illnesses. Here are some of the colors that are related to therapy:

Blue:  It sort of gives a calming effect, which can help reduce anxiety and depression because it promotes relaxation and tranquility, which are needed for people suffering from the aforementioned ailments.

Green: As mentioned before, green is synonymous with growth and renewal, which means as a mental health color in the context of therapy, it helps with things like substance abuse and is also associated with feelings of balance, and can have a soothing effect on the mind.

Yellow: This one can promote feelings of energy and happiness that are uplifting in terms of optimism, enhancing mood, and stimulating mental activity.

Purple: Relating to mindfulness and spirituality, it can help mental health sufferers who have to deal with mental issues such as bipolar disorder, which at times need mindfulness to work.

Red: Often associated with energy and vibrancy, it can help put life into sufferers who are going through the woes of distantness and melancholy.

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These were the most important mental health awareness colors (collectively known as colors of mental health awareness) and now you have a descriptive idea about them. We also expounded on a special kind of treatment procedure called chromotherapy, but if it is something different such as marriage therapy or an alternative one like telepsychiatry for flexibility that you need, contact Solid Foundation Psychiatry as it is not adept at treating problems such as insomnia and the ones mentioned above but are also experts are providing tailored solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to improve mental health naturally?

Make lifestyle changes such as exercising and keeping a balanced diet. 

Healthy behaviors help decrease stress and anxiety, improve well-being, and reduce symptoms of mental health conditions.

Most mental illnesses don’t improve on their own and actually need prompt treatment. 

References and Footnotes
  1. Fundraising For A Cause. (n.d.) Understanding Ribbon Colors: Guide to Awareness & Cancer Ribbons.
  2. Socialreco. (2025, January 23). Mental Health Awareness Color and its Impact | Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health Services in NJ. Social Recovery Center.
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