
Our Services

Solid Foundation Psychiatry offers treatment for a broad range of mental health issues. Take the first step toward a brighter future and don’t give up hope.  We will help you achieve your goals.  



Depression is a common mental illness that involves persistent feelings of sadness or fear. Our mental health experts can effectively treat depression symptoms so you live a stress-free life.



Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness, nervousness, and fear. A person suffering from anxiety faces difficulty in going through the entire day. We can help you manage the symptoms of anxiety and help put you on a path toward wellness.



Insomnia is a common sleep disorder. Individuals suffering from this disorder face difficulty in sleep. Their altered sleep patterns make their life complicated due to mental health issues. Our mental health therapists can assist you to treat or prevent insomnia issues.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a common neurocognitive disorder that involves sudden alterations in mood swings. Their reduced energy levels adversely affect their life. You can treat bipolar disorder symptoms and live a happy life as you deserve mental peace.



Psychosis is a condition that affects the mental state. Affected individuals are unable to develop contact with reality. Their brain remains indulged in negative perceptions and thoughts. Our skilled therapists can help you to prevent the psychotic disorder symptoms.



ADHD is a neurocognitive disorder that affects brain development. Most children are affected by this disorder. Our skilled and competent therapists can assist you in managing ADHD symptoms.



Schizophrenia is a common psychiatric condition that affects the brain condition. The most common symptoms include hallucinations and delusions. Our mental health solutions can help you that how to prevent the symptoms of schizophrenia.

Marriage therapy

Marriage therapy

Most of the couples experience the conflicts in their relationship. Our mental health solutions can assist you to equip you and your partner with the skills that strengthen their relationships.



Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs after experiencing any traumatic event. Individuals experience panic attacks after remembering or getting exposed to a traumatic situation. Our mental health therapists can guide you on how to regulate PTSD symptoms.



Unleash your inner brain creativity with our psychotherapies and live a brighter mental future. Our renowned psychotherapies include cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy. Utilize them and experience rapid mental health recovery.

Unlock your mental brilliance and stabilize your mental health

Get rid of your vicious thoughts and break the mental silence. Our mental health therapists can assist you in reflecting your inner potential. Treat your all mental health issues and cherish the splendid moments of your life.
Why Choose Us

Stay Optimistic And Choose the Mental Empowerment

Employ the remarkable mental health solutions of Solid Foundation Psychiatry and eradicate your all mental health issues.

Cost-effective approach

All the therapeutic strategies are based on an advanced and cost-effective approach that provides the desired mental health outcomes.

Professional expertise

We provide highly competent and skilled mental health therapists who perform the effective evaluation of disorders and suggest treatment accordingly.

Customized treatment plans

Our mental health providers devise customized treatment strategies that fulfill your all mental health needs.

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