The ultimate guide to Bipolar disorder symptoms in females
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The ultimate guide to Bipolar disorder symptoms in females

Bipolar disorder is a common mental health disorder that specifically affects the stability of emotions. This disorder involves two different phases or episodes that are distinct in their terms. This disorder can affect each individual irrespective of gender and age. However, each individual’s body response varies due to numerous factors. Among all the reactions, the major reaction of an individual suffering from bipolar disorder is extreme alterations in mood. At one time, elevated intensity in emotions is observed while on the other hand, at some other time, the affected individual gets depressed to a major extent. So each affected individual always remains in between two different situations. However, one thing should always be remembered that excess of everything is bad whether it is emotions or energy.  After reading this blog, you will get detailed information on the bipolar disorder symptoms in females. As well as you will also get information on the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder in women and the effective strategies to deal with them.

Episodes of Bipolar disorder

The word bipolar comprises two different terms, bi means two and the word pole indicates the two different phases which are named manic and depressive episodes. Due to the presence of these two episodes or phases, bipolar disorder is also named a manic-depressive illness.

Manic episodes

During the manic episode or mania, females are more active and energetic. They think that they possess certain kinds of superpowers and they can do anything with extreme potential. Moreover, females with manic depression exhibit the following common symptoms:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Jumpy behavior
  • Over energetic
  • Elevated confidence and self-esteem
  • Talkative behavior
  • Not able to sit in one place
  • More often racing thoughts
  • Get easily distracted
  • Increased interest in social activities
  • Increased interest in risky activities
  • Feel to do anything easily
Depressive episode

The depressive episode of bipolar disorder is different from the manic episode. During the depressive episode, females feel more stress and feel extremely low or down. Moreover, they think that they are not able to do anything and they will not get success in any field of life. Moreover, during the depression, they also show the following common symptoms:

  • Low energy levels
  • Persistent sadness
  • Preference to live alone
  • Reduced appetite
  • Lack of sufficient sleep
  • Difficulty in focus or concentration
  • Prefer to stay quiet
  • Sometimes slurred speech due to unconsciousness
  • Sense of hopelessness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Careless behavior
  • Suicidal thoughts or self-harming thoughts
Mixed mania

Other than manic and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder, most individuals experience combined symptoms which is referred to as mixed mania. During this episode, affected women can experience both episodes simultaneously. This can occur for a longer period.

Whatever your phase of bipolar disorder, you need to think about the ways to overcome both episodes of bipolar disorder. Each individual should prioritize their mental health and get the best treatment for bipolar disorder.

Common types of Bipolar disorder in Women

There are two different types of bipolar disorder which have variations in terms of the extent of bipolar disorder symptoms and the effect on the body of women. The most common types of bipolar disorder are as follows:

Bipolar disorder I

Bipolar disorder I exhibit more severity in terms of symptoms as compared to Bipolar disorder type II. Women with bipolar disorder usually experience at least one manic episode in their lifetime. The symptoms of manic episodes are not only severe but also stay for a specified period. However, it’s not like individuals with bipolar disorder can not get depression. Some women with bipolar disorder also acquire some symptoms of depression.

Bipolar disorder II

The other common type of bipolar disorder after Bipolar disorder I is Bipolar disorder II. Affected women are majorly suffering from depression and occasionally with manic episodes. Moreover, the symptoms of bipolar disorder II are not severe and exhibit mild reactions as compared to type I. Different researchers have also reported that some individuals suffering from bipolar disorder II can also develop the symptoms of Bipolar disorder I.

Cyclothymic disorder

This is also a type of bipolar disorder but it is extremely rare. In addition, the symptoms of this type are less severe as compared to both types of bipolar disorder. Individuals in cyclothymia usually experience shorter periods of depression and mania. Moreover, there are also major chances that cyclothymia can transform into bipolar disorder I and bipolar disorder II.

Learn More: Is Bipolar disorder genetic?

Possible causes or trigger factors of Bipolar disorder in Women

The following are the possible and most common causes of bipolar disorder in women:

Hormonal fluctuations

There are specialized hormones in women which play a significant role in females such as estrogen and progesterone. The fluctuations in any of these hormones can change the mood of females and they become instantly sad or happy even without any obvious reason.


Pregnant women are more susceptible to suffering from different mental health issues. The hormonal changes can affect their mood and indirectly also affect their baby. The undesired and unexpected alterations in progesterone hormone can cause the onset of bipolar disorder in females. They can suffer from any episode of bipolar disorder during their pregnancy stages. Moreover, they can also relapse during the pregnancy.

Menstrual cycle

During the menstrual cycle, women feel quite low as compared to the normal days. Their energy level goes down and they feel extremely low throughout their menstrual days. Moreover, females also experience different mood swings due to hormonal changes. Moreover, different menstrual irregularities can also cause the onset of bipolar disorder in females.


Females who come at the ending stage of the menstrual cycle are also more prone to experience numerous mental issues including bipolar disorder. As the menstrual cycle stops, multiple changes in hormone levels occur which in turn make the females more depressed. Moreover, they also experience the symptoms of manic episodes other than depression.

Genetic changes

The onset of bipolar disorder symptoms is strongly linked with the genetic complement. If any of your parent or sibling is suffering or suffered from bipolar disorder then there is a greater probability that you will also get the genes of bipolar disorder.

Environmental stress factors

Females who have experienced stressful events in the past are more likely to experience different common mental issues including bipolar disorder. Moreover, any previous traumatic event, sexual as well as domestic abuse cause negative changes in the brain which in turn can lead to the development of bipolar disorder or any other mental health disorder.

When does Bipolar develop in females?

The onset of bipolar disorder symptoms occurs at the adolescent stage as well as in adulthood stages. However, the major chances of development of bipolar disorder are in the teenage years as females at this stage are unable to cope with their stress or anxiety due to lack of awareness. They are not familiar with the normal mood swings or mood alterations caused by bipolar disorder. The  common signs of bipolar disorder in teenage girls are as follows:

  • Increased interest in sexual activities
  • Euphoric behavior
  • Rapid talking behavior
  • Short-tempered

Moreover, teenagers during the depressive phase of bipolar disorder usually exibit the following common symptoms:

  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Sense of worthlessness
  • Headache and body aches
  • Disturbed eating patterns
  • Lack of motivation
  • Inability to do fun

A large number of studies have reported the fact that women suffer more from bipolar disorder II as compared to type I bipolar disorder. Moreover, among the two different phases of bipolar disorder, women are more likely to suffer from depression. This is due to various factors. Among all, a major factor that is responsible for diverting the minds of women into stress is societal pressure. Therefore, females experience depression twofold times as compared to men.

However, if the depressive stage becomes severe in women, then their prolonged depressive phase can also turn into psychosis. Females with psychotic symptoms are unable to differentiate their emotions and thoughts and experience a loss of contact with reality. They think that whatever they see or hear is real and not fake. However, the situation is antagonistic to the fact.

Misdiagnosis of Bipolar Disorder in Women

In most cases, bipolar disorder in women is misdiagnosed and identified as other mental illnesses including anxiety, depression, ADHD, and some other mental issues, etc. Among all, women dealing with bipolar disorder are majorly misdiagnosed as those with depressive disorder. The main reason is that depression occurs first in most individuals as compared to manic episodes. Moreover, the symptoms of major depressive disorder and symptoms of depression or bipolar disorder are identical to a great extent.

Furthermore, most of the women combating bipolar disorder are misdiagnosed as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Numerous symptoms of bipolar disorder and ADHD exhibit a major resemblance such as:

  • Inattentive behavior
  • Restlessness
  • Impulsivity

If any of the above-mentioned symptoms are found in women then experts think that she is suffering from ADHD as compared to bipolar disorder. Moreover, ADHD is more common in adults as compared to men therefore this leads to the misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder in women.

Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia

Other than ADHD, bipolar disorder is also misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. Although their symptoms exhibit some similarities with mental issues are entirely different. The occurrence of schizophrenia is also common in both men and women. Affected individuals experience a reduced or minimized connection with the real world present around them. In addition, they are unable to characterize their feelings, emotions, thoughts, and perceptions. They remain lost in their thoughts and think that whatever is happening around them is actual. They experience major psychotic symptoms which include hallucinations, delusions as well and disorganized thinking behavior. In some cases, women with bipolar disorder also experience psychotic symptoms due to which their actual mental illness is misdiagnosed as schizophrenia.

Differences between Bipolar disorder in Women VS Bipolar disorder in Men

Although bipolar disorder affects both men and women there are some differences in the extent of symptoms, the rate of diagnosis, and some other factors.

Worsening of the Bipolar disorder stages

The symptoms of both manic and depressive episodes of bipolar disorder exibit the diversity in both men and women. During some life phases of women, the onset of bipolar disorder occurs rapidly and can also worsen such as prepartum depression, and postpartum depression as well as some reproductive cycles such as the menstrual cycle, pre-menstruation as well as all stages of menopause. Other than the extent of symptoms, there is also an elevated rate of relapse in women as compared to men.

Varied ratio of comorbidities

Women are more susceptible to both physical and psychological issues as compared to men. This is due to the hormonal differences between men and women. Women are more likely to suffer from additional mental health conditions compared to men.

Difficulty in mania detection

Overconfidence and extreme body and mind activation are the major symptoms of manic depression but they are also considered as the red flag in society. If males exhibit such behavior then their behavior gets ignored due to male domination. However, if females exhibit such behavior then are judged based on their behavior. Therefore, most females are diagnosed with bipolar disorder as compared to men.

Learn More: A Comprehensive Guide To Anxiety And Schizophrenia

How to treat the Bipolar disorder in women?

The major goal of each treatment of bipolar disorder in women is to regulate mood swings. This can only be achieved with the combined use of certain psychiatric medications and psychotherapy.


Medications are not used to provide complete relief from the symptoms of bipolar disorder in women. However, they are specifically used to manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder in women so each affected individual lives with peace of mind. However, the most common psychiatric medications that are used to alleviate the symptoms of bipolar disorder in women are as follows:

  • Latuda
  • Seroquel
  • Geodon
  • Depakote
  • Saphris
  • Stavzor
  • Lamictal

However, always remember that the appropriate dosage of each psychiatric medication is essential to effectively overcome the symptoms of bipolar disorder in women. For this, you can get mental health support from professional experts who can provide you with the best psychiatric recommendations. They not only prescribe psychiatric medications but also provide you the effective guidance on how you can manage your medication regimen and acquire optimal outcomes.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common type of psychotherapy that is used to treat bipolar disorder. Women facing the issues of mood swings can communicate with mental health experts and share their mental health concerns. Experts perform psychological evaluations to exactly determine the symptoms as well as the main trigger factors of bipolar disorder. They urge the females to think deeply that what are the best possible causes that led them on the pathway of mental issues. Experts take a deeper and closer look at the thoughts and emotions of females having the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Affected women learn what they can do to diminish their mood swings. Moreover, women also learn how they can avoid negative thoughts and behaviors and adopt positive behaviors.

Interpersonal therapy

This therapy exerts a strong impact on social as well as the biological rhythms controlled by each brain. Various types of research have strongly favored the effective usage of interpersonal therapy against different mood disorders such as bipolar disorder. Women with bipolar disorder face difficulty due to multiple interpersonal conflicts that can be effectively resolved by interpersonal therapy. Moreover, this therapy is significant in the improvement of social rhythms that are mostly disturbed due to the occurrence of symptoms of different mental health issues including bipolar disorder.


Along with the treatment, each woman suffering from bipolar disorder should also have sufficient knowledge regarding each aspect of bipolar disorder. At Solid Foundation Psychiatry, you can find the top mental health professionals who not only treat your bipolar disorder but also guide you on what bipolar disorder is and how you can overcome it. Women can learn different strategies and skills that are essential to live a stress-free life.

Physical activity

Regular physical workouts also play a significant role in regaining mental stability which in turn results the emotional stability. Different studies have proved that if a person performs the daily exercise then different happy hormones are released in the body which positively impacts the brain. During any strenuous exercise, blood supply to the different parts of the brain gets increased which in turn causes the elevated activation of major neurotransmitters released by the brain.

Adequate sleep

Lack of sleep is also a major factor that can cause the development of multiple mental health issues including bipolar disorder. However, if you are getting a sufficient amount of sleep, then you can stay protected from the undesirable effects of bipolar disorder. Affected women should make a proper schedule for their sleep to eradicate all the effects of mental issues.

Absolute diet

A complete diet full of protein, carbohydrates, and essential fats is necessary for sound physical as well as mental health. If you are not taking sufficient nutrients in your diet then you will achieve all your mental health goals. Therefore, make a complete diet plan that involves a controlled portion of each nutrient.

Stress relieving techniques

Women with bipolar disorder should also be familiar with different stress management techniques including yoga, meditation as well as some useful brain meditation exercises. With the regularity of stress management techniques, women can learn how to prevent stress and live happier and healthier lives.

Professional assistance for Bipolar disorder treatment

At Solid Foundation Psychiatry, you can get the best treatment for bipolar disorder in women. Our mental health professionals not only implement the finest therapeutic strategies but also provide additional support and guidance to eradicate the toxic effects of bipolar disorder. So there is no need to wait anymore. We are here to revitalize your mental health; you do not need to search anywhere now. Stop your search and enjoy mental health now.

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