The Effects of Depression on Mental Health
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The Effects of Depression on Mental Health

The Effects of Depression on Mental Health

Depression’s impact on mental health in various ways but not limited to symptoms like sadness and tiredness. This mental illness affects a person’s cognitive functioning as a person cannot concentrate, even forget things, and make rational decisions. Another impact could be forming a negative attitude toward self, which results in perceiving oneself and one’s capabilities poorly; this fosters feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem.

This article provides complete knowledge about the effects of depression on mental health, the physical signs of depression, impact of the depression on a person’s life, and what are the side effects of depression.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mental illness that can negatively impact your mood. It characterizes feelings of sadness, loss, and extreme anger that directly disrupt a person’s way of living. Moreover, depression is different from the regular mood that a person experiences in their everyday life.

What are the common symptoms of Depression?

If a person experiences the following signs almost every day for at least two weeks, then the probability of depression is high:

  • Constant feelings of being sad
  • Extreme hopelessness
  • Restlessness
  • Lack of interest in different activities
  • Fatigue
  • Disturbed sleeping patterns
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Physical pain
  • Suicidal thoughts

What are the common causes of Depression?

The exact causes of depression are not yet confirmed. However, some common causes lead to the onset of depression symptoms.

The following factors are likely to play a significant role in the development of depression:

Genetic factors:

If a person with depression has a strong family history of depression, then the risk of developing depression is much higher.

Disturbed levels of brain neurotransmitters:

Imbalances in the brain neurotransmitters are one of the leading causes of depression; even a minor change in the levels contributes to the onset of depression.

Environmental factors:

The surroundings of a person suffering from depression play an important role. Depression is prevalent in people with a history of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.

Age factor:

The risk of development of depression is prevalent in older adults due to living alone and lacking social support.

What are the long-term effects of Depression on mental health?

Depression is a common mental disorder and affects millions of people worldwide. It goes deeper than just being sad or having a bad day. Depression causes a change in an individual’s psychological well-being, hence leading to numerous adverse effects on emotions, thinking patterns, and the body. When understanding the impact of depression, it becomes easier to consider the outcomes and look for the right help and treatment.

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Emotional Effects:

One of the most impacting consequences of depression can be observed in the sufferer’s emotions. Some of the common signs include a state of low mood, hopelessness, and worthlessness that never leaves a depressed patient. These might manifest as guilt or worthlessness that they cannot overcome or have fun in the activities they once used to enjoy. These intense feelings add stress, and one may be overwhelmed by daily tasks.

Cognitive Effects:

Depression also significantly affects cognitive functioning. It may result in problems with concentration, decision-making, and memory. This cognitive impairment can affect the individual’s work or school performance and productivity, often resulting in frustration. Cognitive distortions are typical; people focus on their difficulties and perceive the situation as the worst possible. This cognitive distortion perpetuates hopelessness, contributing to a negative cycle of thoughts that is difficult to overcome.

Physical Effects:

Depression is mainly diagnosed as a mental illness, but it has symptoms that are evident in the body as well. The eating habits of a sufferer can be severely affected due to depression; they either gain weight or lose a significant weight, which gradually leads to stressful thoughts. Additionally, depression can cause insomnia and a disturbed sleeping cycle, which ultimately develops the signs of severe stress due to worrying thoughts about fatigue during the day due to lack of sleep.

Neck and back pain, migraines, and indigestion are among some of the symptoms that are frequently experienced due to depression. Such physical signs may prevail and intensify the mental changes that occur in depression, thus making it difficult for the sufferer to cope with the mental disorder. 

Social Effects:

Severe depression can negatively impact a person’s social life, leading to social withdrawal and social isolation as a result of several emotions and thoughts. You can feel lonely, unable to interact with people, or lacking close friends and family members. This causes negative results, including the development of loneliness and even additional symptoms that worsen the condition of depression, which in turn leads to social isolation and worsening of the patient’s condition.

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How does depression affect brain chemistry?

Depression impacts brain chemistry to an extreme level. If a person is suffering from depression, the probability of physical changes in the brain structure is higher. Some of the significant effects on brain chemistry are as follows:

Brain region shrinkage:

Reduced brain volumes are among the top brain chemistry changes experienced by a depressive person. These volume changes occur in the hippocampus, thalamus, frontal, and prefrontal regions. The degree to which any of these brain areas shrink depends on the duration and the intensity of the depression.

Due to high cortisol levels, the size of the amygdala increases while other brain structures decrease in size. Since the amygdala is responsible for managing emotions, this may lead to common issues such as sleep disturbances, mood swings, and other related hormone problems. Furthermore, an enlarged amygdala is associated with the onset of bipolar disorder.

Brain inflammation:

Cerebral inflammation is strongly associated with major depression. However, there is no substantial evidence that brain inflammation is caused due to depression. However, recent research shows that these are interlinked. People experiencing depression for a longer duration are more likely to experience brain inflammation as compared to those who experience depression for a short time.

Since cerebral inflammation results in the death of neurons, it causes many complications. The neurons also die off, leading to shrinkage of the brain. Thus, the neuroplasticity that humans possess reduces as they age. Because new neurons and neurotransmitters are formed slowly, this results in intellectual issues for the affected individual.

Inadequate oxygen Intake:

The relationship between depression and low oxygen levels is not clear yet. However, recent studies show that people with depression experience changed breathing patterns, usually hypoxia.

Even low levels of hypoxia can negatively impact cerebral functioning. Mild hypoxia can severely affect a person’s ability to make informed decisions, physical coordination, and memory. This happens due to less oxygen intake, which triggers inflammation and damages the Brain cells if prolonged.

In a nutshell!

Depression is a mental illness that disrupts the life of a normal individual. Additionally, it is believed that depression only influences a mood state; however, it impacts mental health in multiple ways. This can disrupt concentration, memorization, and decision-making, leading to cognitive disabilities. Cognitive changes relating to depression may also make people develop a negative self-image and reduced self-esteem. This mental health condition causes significant impairment in the affected individual’s ability to function effectively in their job, personal and social interactions, as well as self-care. If you are experiencing signs of depression and seeking a reliable mental health platform, then Solid Foundation Psychiatry is the best pick for you to overcome the side effects of depression on your mental health. We have a team of experts capable of treating the effects of depression on mental health. So, wait no more and get in touch with our mental health platform to experience the effective treatment available for depression.

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