Myths And Facts About Schizophrenia
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Myths And Facts About Schizophrenia

Understanding schizophrenia should be the first motion for anyone who is a sufferer or knows someone who is affected by it. Important facts of schizophrenia in addition to the myths can help you understand the ailment properly, so you can have a better handle on how to deal with it. We are going to list some of the best facts and myths that raise schizophrenia awareness. This is because there is a lot of bad information spread across the internet, which may or may not be harmful to anyone who is somehow connected to this type of mental condition. Let’s begin with these facts:

First We Need To Define Schizophrenia:

When you have schizophrenia, you cannot think straight because your reality is not your reality anymore. This mental condition is all about delusions and hallucinations (psychosis) as our brain often tells us that we’re seeing things or hearing voices that aren’t there, which is one of the most interesting facts about schizophrenia. Now, let’s talk about the actual facts and statistics about schizophrenia in the words below.

1. Myth: Schizophrenia is not about split personalities

When talking in terms of the facts about schizophrenia, this one is the weirdest one because schizophrenia is literally about something extremely opposite. “Schizophrenia” as an English word derives from the Greek words “skhizein,” which means “to split apart,” and “phren,” which means “mind. So perhaps that meaning causes the confusion. The actual “split” in personality happens in disorders like dissociative personality disorder (where one has multiple personalities) and bipolar disorder (two extreme moods on the opposite side of the spectrum).

Read More: Bipolar Disorder – Symptoms, Causes, Types and Treatment

2. Fact: There are positive and negative symptoms associated with it

Positive symptoms are delusions, hallucinations, and catatonia. These usually don’t interfere with the everyday life of affected individuals. Negative symptoms include reduced speech and energy, lack of motivation, lack of emotion, and withdrawal from family and friends and these do interfere with the everyday life of affected individuals. While it is not one of those fun facts about schizophrenia it is important to share nonetheless.

3. Fact: High-functioning schizophrenia symptoms tend to emerge in adolescence

High-functioning schizophrenia symptoms begin to show in the teenage years of affected individuals. Sometimes, it can be early adulthood but most of the time it is indeed adolescence.

4. Fact: Schizophrenia can develop due to a range of reasons

Many people believe that schizophrenia is a type of mental condition that exists in people due to family history. That’s not the case. There are a couple of other reasons too. Schizophrenia can be present due to brain abnormalities, brain chemistry, environmental factors, and of course, genetics. Doesn’t this make it one of the most informational facts about schizophrenia?

5. Myth: Schizophrenia has a higher risk of suicide

This is true. According to research, 10% of schizophrenic individuals end up committing suicide. Most of them have been living with it for decades and rather peacefully by getting timely treatment and medication that is needed for it. This is especially true for people who are worried about certain internalized stigmas about what they’re likely to achieve when they have a mental illness like schizophrenia. This piece of information ain’t bad for a bit of schizophrenia awareness. What do you think?

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6. Myth or Fact? Substance abuse is associated with a heightened risk of schizophrenia

You already know that substance abuse will always have side effects because it will always be consequential to your life. What makes it one of the most highly informational facts about schizophrenia is that while all substance’s extreme use can lead to the development of the said ailment, especially marijuana. This getaway drug will always give way to other drugs and will also put you in the crosshairs of schizophrenia. And when we debunk this myth, we are essentially making it out to be a fact. A lot of disorganized behavior in schizophrenia comes due to this type of cause.

7. Fact: Heightened risk of comorbidity with other mental conditions

With schizophrenia, you are bound to develop other mental conditions. You may end up suffering from depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder as a direct result of a schizophrenia diagnosis.

8. Myth: Having Schizophrenia Will Make You Violent

Another myth about schizophrenia that for the most part is cemented by Hollywood movies is that having schizophrenia means you will be violent. That’s not true. These are the types of things that come into existence due to Hollywood movies. These movie makers will spew anything without any proper research. Most people prefer to be left alone and are not violent when their schizophrenia-related symptoms are at their peak.

9. Myth: There is no cure for schizophrenia and you’ll never recover from it

Stop being worried about the facts of schizophrenia when this type of myth can lead to the towers of schizophrenia awareness activities and allies created. While it is indeed harder to treat when compared to other mental conditions, treatment is possible. 25% of patients with schizophrenia are bound to recover from their first episode fully, while others may fall into relapse or worse may be at the risk of suicide. How’s that for it being one of schizophrenia’s interesting facts and myths?

10. Fact: It’s common for people to have delusions due to the onset of schizophrenia

That’s true and one of the most important facts of schizophrenia. Delusions are beliefs that don’t even remotely align with reality. These delusions come in different ways and shapes. Some delusions tend to be somatic and others can be persecutory, where an affected individual feels that they are being watched or followed.

Read More: A Comprehensive Guide To Anxiety And Schizophrenia

11. Myth: Bad parenting can cause schizophrenia

When it comes to facts about schizophrenia, there are many factors at play but bad parenting is not one of them. Research suggests a combination of many factors that contribute to the development of this condition, including genetics as well as psychological and environmental factors. Intense stress or traumatic life events could trigger a psychotic episode in someone already predisposed to it.


These were just the tip of the iceberg because these facts of schizophrenia are just scratching the surface. There is one fact that talks about how treatment can really be beneficial for schizophrenia-affected individuals. You can take advantage of that benefit by taking advantage of our psychiatric services at Solid Foundation Psychiatry. Looking forward to your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you have schizophrenia without hallucinations?

Not everyone with schizophrenia will experience hallucinations or delusions.

If schizophrenia is left untreated, symptoms may intensify and last indefinitely.

Yes! With the help of consistent treatment, schizophrenia-affected individuals can have a fun normal life.

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