Is insomnia a mental illness? Know the top facts!
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Is insomnia a mental illness? Know the top facts!

Is insomnia a mental illness? Know the top facts!

Are you unable to get adequate sleep? Do you think that you are suffering from any mental health issue and that issue is directly disrupting your normal sleep patterns? If this is the case then you might be suffering specifically from insomnia or any other mental illness. Always remember that taking a break from exhausting life activities is extremely important. Sleep is the main factor that gives you a break and then recharges your brain and body. With the help of sufficient and quality sleep, you can experience the desired and highly proficient repairing mechanism of your body.

So whenever you think that you are facing trouble falling or staying asleep, you should immediately treat your insomnia issues if you never want to miss the natural healing process of your body that occurs during sleep. Moreover, if you want to know if insomnia is a mental illness or if there is any link between insomnia and psychiatric disorders, then read this article with focus and concentration. Moreover, you will also get familiar with how insomnia affects mental health and how you can effectively treat insomnia and experience a healthy and wealthy life that is strongly based on good sleep.

Significance of Sleep

Sleep is a basic need of the body. Nowadays, as people are extremely busy in their fast-paced life, sleep has now become a luxury. Melatonin is a  major hormone that is responsible for activating the brain’s sleeping mechanisms. Due to reduced secretion or lack of this hormone, sleeping issues occur.

Individuals spend one-third part of their life in sleep so it ‘s better to get the finest quality and quantity of sleep. Every second individual strives to get a balanced life by preventing all disruptions in the brain due to sleeping issues.

Moreover, sleep is also essential for sound physical and mental health. You have noticed several times that any day if you have a lack of sleep then you face difficulty throughout the day. Whether you watch a movie late at night or work on the laptop and wake up early in the morning, you can feel exhausted during the entire day. You feel dizziness and reduced energy levels which make it difficult for you to perform vital day-to-day functioning. The requirement for sleep is distinct for each individual.

For adults, a sleep of nine hours is recommended to make the person more healthy and active. Moreover, this also involved one significant factor of consistent sleep and associated wake times. However, some studies support the fact of a minimum of 5 hours of sleep and a maximum of 8 to 9 hours. Teenagers require more sleep of approximately 8 to 10 hours as they perform more strenuous activities and expend more energy than others. In addition, people of older ages require 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

Furthermore, there is also a difference between the chronotype for each individual. There are two different types of chronotypes which include night owls and early birds. Some individuals fall into the category of night owls while others fall in the list of early birds.. However, there is a greater percentage of individuals who fall in between these categories. Different factors including genes, environmental factors can contribute more to increasing the vulnerability of these two chronotypes.

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Biological clocks for sleep

The body of each individual has various inbuilt biological clocks and rhythms that actually instruct the body when to sleep. So when the time comes and if the person is not sleeping then it can reduce the speed of different internal body functions. Moreover, the inadequate sleep directly affects the functioning of the brain and can cause various negative effects on the brain and the entire body. However, the most common consequences caused by low quality or lack of sleep are as follows:

  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Decreased energy levels
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Irritable behavior
  • Difficulty in focus and concentration
  • Mood swings
  • Learning and memory issues
  • Lack of ability to cope with stress
  • Headache or body ache
  • Grumpy or foggy
  • Increased negative emotional response
  • Decreased or minimal positive emotions
  • Trouble in decision-making
  • Redness of eyes

Moreover, it’s not essential that only lack of sleep causes physical and mental health abnormalities, as oversleeping can also be toxic for both the mind and body.  When a person takes excess sleep, the brain cells start the self-eating process and this can result in the reduced number of neurons or brain cells. Therefore, there should be a balance in sleeping patterns if you want to cherish your life with absolute mental health potential.

Common types of Sleep

Sleep is categorized into two major categories which include:

REM sleep: This stage of sleep is a primary dreaming stage. Moreover, during this stage, the eye movements of the eye become rapid. In addition, the cardiac and respiratory rate also increases. While some experts believe that during the rapid eye movement stage, brain activity is also increased.

Non-REM: This stage of sleep occurs first and also comprises three different stages. Moreover, the last stage involves deep sleeping from which individuals face difficulty waking up.

Most common Sleeping disorders

As the term indicates, sleep disorders are linked with the duration, timing, and quality of sleep patterns. Inappropriate sleep can result the sleeping disorders which comprise the cognitive impairments as well as the undesired distress that is common during the daytime. Sleep disorders are one of those mental issues that directly impact negative effects on the brain and ultimately on the entire body. Among all common sleeping issues, insomnia is common. However, other common sleeping issues include:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Parasomnias
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Narcolepsy

Is insomnia a sign of mental illness?

Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder but is most commonly renowned as a mental disorder. Due to the onset of insomnia, individuals face trouble in falling and staying asleep. They face certain complications in getting good quality sleep. Insomniac patients are unable to sleep even if they have the desired and most effective environment around them for sleep but still they can’t do.

The diagnosis of insomnia occurs in a varied way. In some individuals specifically insomnia is identified as the main concerning mental condition while in some individuals, insomnia is identified as one of the common symptoms of any mental health disorder.

Diagnosis of Insomnia

Any individual suffering from insomnia or any other sleeping disorder can self-evaluate the insomnia by knowing the symptoms. However, only mental health professionals can better identify whether the person is having any sleeping issues or not. Moreover, the following actions are also performed to pinpoint the exact illness.

Physical evaluation

Experts perform the physical testing to identify the symptoms. Based on the symptoms, they can also identify the type of insomnia and the associated extent of symptoms. Moreover, blood tests are also performed to determine thyroid levels as well as other mental issues.

Psychological evaluation

Other than physical testing, experts also perform psychological evaluations to determine the mental state. They ask different questions from insomnia patients to identify the triggers that mostly affect their mental health. Experts ask the patients about their sleeping patterns. Moreover, the level of sleepiness that is common during the day time is also determined to find the hidden facts. During the session, experts ask the individuals to keep a diary to note down their sleeping routine for a couple of days.

Types of insomnia

Although insomnia is a sleeping issue and comprises common symptoms, following are the two major and common types of insomnia:

Short term insomnia

Short-term insomnia is also referred to as acute insomnia as well as adjustment insomnia. This type of insomnia involves a brief period of difficulty in sleeping. Any environmental stress factor can cause the development of short term insomnia. Some common stress factors that are responsible for the initiation of short-term insomnia symptoms include:

  • Personal loss
  • Professional loss
  • Substance or drug abuse
  • Loss of any loved one
  • Pandemic situation
  • Natural disaster

This type of insomnia can equally affect both men and women irrespective of age and any other socio-economic factors. As children, adolescents as well as adults can equally suffer from the short-term insomnia, but if we compare the gender then women are more susceptible to get affected by this type of insomnia as compared to men. Moreover, women during the pregnancy stages as well as well as at the time of menopause are more likely to suffer from acute or short-term insomnia.

Symptoms of acute or short-term insomnia can last for about three months. However, symptoms disappear when the time passes. As time passes, affected individuals can cope with the stress. Furthermore, the symptoms can persist for a longer period if effective treatment is not applied and can transform into chronic stages of insomnia.

Chronic insomnia

Chronic insomnia is more severe as compared to short-term insomnia. Moreover, this also includes a lengthy period of difficulty sleeping. If a person is not sleeping for continuous three nights then he or she is suffering from chronic insomnia. Moreover, if the same condition occurs every week for three to four months or more, then the sleeping issue also becomes more chronic and needs immediate treatment or preventive measures. Some major factors that can trigger chronic insomnia include:

  • Altered sleep schedule
  • Lack of hygienic conditions
  • Environmental stress
  • Repeated nightmares
  • Misuse of medications
  • Bed partner
  • Physical and psychological issues

Are insomnia and mental health issues associated?

Yes. There is a strong link between insomnia and certain cognitive issues or mental illnesses. Both conditions coexist. Some researchers state that insomnia or sleeping issues exerts a strong negative influence on mental health. On the other hand, others says that a disturbed mental condition leads to insomnia.

Different studies have reported the fact that approximately 50% of the individuals having sleep issues are also suffering from any common mental illness.

Furthermore, it is also believed that insomnia is a common but devastating symptom that results from psychiatric disorders. Moreover, some say that there is also a strong association between sleep issues and anxiety or depression. In some cases, insomnia can elevate the worsening of anxiety or depression. Likewise, the presence of anxiety and depression can also lead to the onset of sleeping issues or insomnia.

Individuals with insomnia are twice as likely to develop the symptoms of depression as compared to the normal individuals.  So having insomnia is a perfect indication that a person who is currently suffering from sleeping issues can develop depression in any phase of life.

Sleep deprivation is the major factor that alters the normal brain functions. Uncontrolled sleeping patterns can worsen the condition and can transform the condition into psychosis. Psychosis is a severe form of psychotic disorder in which a person experiences a loss of contact with reality. Due to sleep deprivation and psychosis, various intrusive thoughts also appear in the mind.

Anxiety disorders and insomnia

Anxiety is also a common mental health issue that is strongly linked with insomnia or any other sleeping issue. Individuals suffering from anxiety also face difficulty in falling asleep. Moreover, staying asleep is also difficult during anxiety. Any individual of any age takes stress over certain life issues and stops focusing on different essential life aspects, specifically sleep. If the mental worries are getting prolonged and remain unresolved then they affect the sleeping patterns and ultimately destroy the mood and behavior of affected individuals.

Generalized anxiety disorder and Insomnia

GAD is one of the common types of anxiety disorders. This disorder comprises multiple symptoms but among all, sleeping issues are major and also considered as the main diagnostic criteria. Due to overlapping symptoms, most of the individuals consider the generalized anxiety disorder as insomnia.

Post-traumatic stress disorder and Insomnia

Post-traumatic stress disorder is also a major type of anxiety illness. Individuals who have passed through any stressful situation acquire trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Moreover, approximately 90% of the individuals usually experience sleeping issues.  Among all common symptoms of insomnia, they majorly experience acute insomnia.

Bipolar disorder and Insomnia

This mental illness involves two different episodes which include manic and depressive episodes. This disorder involves a reduction in energy levels and undesired negative mood alterations. Moreover, affected individuals also experience altered sleeping patterns. Different studies reported different facts regarding bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Some believe that persons with bipolar disorder face difficulty in sleep while some experience the combined issues of insomnia and hypersomnia.

Is insomnia a disability?

Insomnia isn’t considered a disability as it is the symptom of a mental health condition, not itself a condition. Because the term disability is specifically used for the physical and mental condition that not only disrupts the mental peace but also affects the quality of life. Therefore based on the scientific evidence of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, insomnia is not categorized under a disability. However, the underlying cause can be.

Moreover, approximately 50% of individuals develop insomnia due to varied mental health conditions. But in this case, too, insomnia is not considered as a disability but the underlying causes and the concerning mental health conditions are considered as a disability.

Treatment of Insomnia

Like other common mental issues, insomnia is treatable. The effective combination of appropriate and reliable medications and therapy is recommended by the experts to treat and prevent insomnia.

Sleeping medications & Supplements

Different supplements are recommended by the experts to induce sleep such as the melatonin supplement that assists in brain preparation for sleep. Other than supplements, different sedatives are also recommended. In most of the cases, sleeping pills or medications are not recommended as they can cause various negative effects on the body. Most of the antidepressants that are ingested to relax the mind and induce sleep can cause weight gain. Moreover, they can also result in various other negative issues in the body.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is not specifically used to treat and prevent common mental health issues but also the toxic effects of their symptoms. Experts employ cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia specifically targeting the negative thoughts, emotions, and perceptions that are a major obstacle to experiencing the finest quality of sleep. Individuals suffering from insomnia or any other sleeping issue are suggested to benefit from this therapy. For them, cognitive behavioral therapy is considered the first line of treatment in the form of therapy. Most of the experts usually prioritize cognitive behavioral therapy for sleep as compared to specialized sleeping pills or medications.

This therapy allows insomnia patients to directly interact with professionals and seek the best treatment and guidance to treat and prevent insomnia. Experts ask different questions from the patients regarding their sleeping patterns or behaviors. They first identify the trigger factors and symptoms to evaluate the mental state better. Experts guide individuals on how they can positively transform their thoughts and emotions that leave them in persistent worries and awake. Individuals learn different strategies to stop the cycle of continuous worries and take a long nap that surely results in complete relaxation for both mind and body. Moreover, individuals also learn to make a healthy sleeping pattern by preventing the thoughts and beliefs that make them awake.

Learn More: The ultimate guide to Bipolar disorder symptoms in females

Light therapy

Light therapy is considered one of the major therapies to treat sleeping patterns or maintain sleep behaviors. Light therapy is specifically utilized for individuals who are suffering from night owl syndrome or delayed sleep phase syndrome. During the daytime, a person is asked to be exposed to bright light throughout the day. The bright light sends signals to the brain and instructs the brain to remain active and healthy throughout the day. In the evening, individuals are asked to get exposed to minimal bright light that guides the brain to start preparation for sleep. There are different wavelengths of light with different frequencies. Among all, blue light is the one that activates the brain. During this therapy, patients are asked to avoid this brightest light. Likewise, at night they are asked to use the dim light in the room to get the best quality sleep.

Last words

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder that affects both the physical and mental state of individuals. Those individuals who are facing issues in getting sufficient sleep are suffering from insomnia. Acute and chronic insomnia are the common types of insomnia that affect the quality of sleep. Different genetic and environmental factors can elevate sleeping issues or insomnia. However, with the most suitable treatment, you can treat as well as prevent insomnia and enjoy the best sleep. At Solid Foundation Psychiatry, you can find the best solutions to treat your sleeping issues and live a happier life with improved sleep.

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