Does Anxiety Cause Nausea?
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Does Anxiety Cause Nausea?


Does Anxiety Cause Nausea?
Stress is undoubtedly one of the most familiar feelings and can manifest in different degrees of severity outshining even minor worries. But it can also present other physical symptoms too. Some of the physical symptoms of anxiety include vomiting. 

Defining Anxiety
Anxiety is always being afraid, uncomfortable, and having a troublesome feeling. While it may make some people sweat, restless, and even have a racing heartbeat. 

Major Types Of Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are categorized into the following types:

It is an extreme fear of things that are not harmful in reality. 

Panic Disorder:
Panic attacks characterize panic disorder even without any danger present in the surroundings. 

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD):
People suffering from GAD worry about even small things like health, money, family, and work. 

Can Anxiety Lead To Nausea?

When a person is anxious about anything, the brain discharges some substances called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters bring the body to a readiness alert point. This, over time, causes the body to be ready for fight and flight as a result of perceived danger.

How To Manage Anxiety-Related Nausea?

If anxiety and nausea are constant and hinder your day-to-day activities. Then it is always a great approach to seek professional help. Practicing deep breathing techniques can aid in reducing the signs of anxiety-induced nausea. The primary focus while doing this should be on slow, diaphragmatic breaths. Keeping a balanced and healthy diet with regular exercising is extremely important in getting rid of anxiety-related nausea. 

Therapeutic Approaches To Overcome Anxiety-Induced Nausea

Anxiety-related nausea can be successfully treated with the following treatment options:

  • Psychiatric medications
  • Psychotherapy
  • Counseling

Does Anxiety Cause Nausea?

Anxiety can be overwhelming at times. It can manifest various physical signs as well. One of the common physical signs associated with anxiety is nausea. Anxiety is a normal body response when exposed to a threat or danger.

In this blog, you will learn about the link between anxiety and nausea, can anxiety make you nauseous, why does anxiety cause nausea, and how to stop anxiety nausea.

Read More: A Comprehensive Guide To Anxiety And Schizophrenia

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a constant feeling of fear, discomfort, and dread. It may cause some people to sweat, exhibit restlessness, and have a racing heartbeat.

What Are Some Types Of Anxiety Disorders?

There are many types of anxiety disorders. The common ones are:


Individuals suffering from phobias have an extreme fear of things that are not harmful. They may be about flying, swimming, spiders, and social situations (known as social anxiety)

Panic Disorder:

Panic attacks characterize panic disorder. Even when there is no danger in the environment, these attacks are triggered and cause difficulties for the affected individual. These attacks can be long-lasting and come quickly.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD):

People suffering from GAD worry about even small things like health, money, family, and work. However, a normal person also does this, but the only difference is that they worry almost all day for at least 6 months.

Is Anxiety A Leading Reason For Nausea?

When a person is anxious about anything, the brain releases certain brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters activate the body for high alert mode. This eventually prepares the body for fight and flight as a response to a perceived threat.

Few neurotransmitters enter the digestive system leading to gut issues. They often lead to:

  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • loss of appetite or unnatural hunger
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • peptic ulcers
  • indigestion
  • stomach cramps

Which Anxiety Disorder Causes Nausea?

A small amount of anxiety in a stressful situation is a normal response. However, when this anxiety reaches an extreme point, then it becomes a cause of concern. Moreover, at some point, this anxiety can disrupt the daily functioning of the affected person. Some common examples of nausea-causing anxiety disorders are:

Read More: Anxiety Symptoms In Men: Leading Facts

Ways To Manage Anxiety-Related Nausea

Nausea and anxiety can be managed with the help of certain ways such as:

Professional Assistance:

If anxiety and nausea are constant and continue to hinder your day-to-day activities then it is always a great approach to seek professional help. A mental health professional will make use of certain therapeutic approaches such as psychiatric medications and psychotherapy.

Breathing Techniques:

Practicing deep breathing techniques can aid in reducing the signs of nausea caused by anxiety. The primary focus while doing this should be on slow, diaphragmatic breaths.

Healthy Lifestyle:

Keeping a balanced and healthy diet with regular exercising is extremely important in getting rid of anxiety causing nausea. Additionally, keeping your body hydrated also holds an important role.


Meditation or relaxation techniques can help in reducing anxiety levels and thus lead to reduced nausea. Activities such as yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation can aid in overcoming the signs of anxiety causing nausea.

Read More: Understanding the link between anxiety and migraine

Long-Term Mental Health Solutions For Treating Anxiety-Induced Nausea

A person can to some extent manage the signs of anxiety-induced nausea with some lifestyle changes. However, long-term relief from these signs requires therapeutic approaches:

Psychiatric Medications:

For people struggling with chronic anxiety, certain psychiatric medications serve to be a life saver for them such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or anti-anxiety medications. These psychiatric medications majorly focus on stabilizing the mood and reducing physical signs of anxiety such as nausea.

Psychotherapy And Counseling:

One of the most effective and beneficial psychotherapies is cognitive behavioral therapy. It is a collaborative treatment method where your mental health provider will help you identify the negative thought patterns and change them into positive ones. This is done with the help of different coping skills.

Last Thoughts!

Anxiety leads to the manifestation of several and varied physical symptoms such as nausea. Some chemicals produced as a result of anxiety impact the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea, indigestion, and stomach aches. Nausea is associated with anxiety disorders for example PTSD, phobia, and panic disorders depending on the intensity of the experience. Treating nausea caused by anxiety is a process of change to the patient’s lifestyle, using relaxation therapies, though some people may require using the services of a psychiatrist and antipsychotic drugs for permanent cure. So, if you or your loved one is struggling with anxiety-related nausea, then now is the ideal time for you to connect with one of the leading mental health platforms, Solid Foundation Psychiatry, and live your life to the fullest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can nausea be a danger when one has anxiety?

Occasionally, anxiety may cause nausea and as much as one may feel unwell, anxiety nausea is usually not life-threatening. However, general anxiety and nausea are something that interferes with a person’s daily functioning and thus should be dealt with.

It is advisable to see a doctor if nausea due to anxiety is often or interferes with regular functioning.

Effective ways to treat nausea that is a result of anxiety involve taking deep breaths, relaxation, following a proper diet and exercise routine and seeing a doctor to take antidepressants and visit a therapist.

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